Breast Cancer Blogs We Love

Jessica Rohr
4 min readJul 16, 2020

1 in 8 women will be diagnosed with breast cancer during our lifetimes. Whether it impacts us personally or through those we love, virtually all of us will be touched by the disease in one way or another. With these jarring realities in mind, it’s important to have credible resources to ask questions and receive support — either from experts in the medical field or sometimes even more helpful, from others who have been through something similar. Today, we’re shining a spotlight on seven breast cancer blogs we find to be extremely inspiring, informative and empowering.

Breast cancer has impacted almost every part of Kristen Carbone’s life. After watching her mother lose her life to metastatic breast cancer, she suffered silently for years and then made the decision to undergo a preventative mastectomy and reconstruction. This experienced changed the way she thought about herself, her body and her role in the world, leading her to create Brilliantly — a place where women can go to look and feel more like themselves, improve their long-term physical and emotional wellbeing, share practical wisdom and amplify stories of radiant women. Her journal is a heartfelt, informative place to discover honest and raw experiences concerning body image, written by Kristen and other strong women affected by the disease. She covers a wide range of important and insightful topics like medical debt, nipple reconstruction, areola tattooing, navigating motherhood with BRCA and more.

Anna is a young breast cancer survivor from North Carolina who turned her personal experience with breast cancer into a platform for other young women. She defines it as a place to go to feel connected, empowered and thrive through adversity with wellness, self-confidence and style. In her words, “Cancer may have taken my breasts and my hair but I still kept my lipstick and heels.” When Anna was diagnosed at 27, she felt isolated, alone and frustrated by the lack of resources available for young women battling cancer, so she created My Cancer Chic to share her experiences and fill that void. Now, three years into remission, she continues to inspire other women through fashion, beauty, wellness and breast cancer awareness. We love her too!

Living Beyond Breast Cancer is a national nonprofit organization that seeks to create a world that understands there is more than one way from women to have breast cancer. Their blog is a combination of trusted information mixed with a community impacted by the disease — a platform that consists of real stories from real people. From PTSD and breast cancer treatment to when cancer and COVID019 collide, this is a place where peers share their personal experiences with the hope of helping others better navigate their journey with confidence, support and understanding. The more we connect with others who are going through something similar, the less likely we are to feel alone, and the more likely we are to have a sense of belonging. As with any blog, it’s important to remember that although their words are real, they are not a substitute for professional counseling or medical advice.

We’re all pretty familiar with MD Anderson role as a global leader in cancer care and research, but did you know they also have a great blog called Cancerwise? Their focus is broader (a resource for all kinds of cancer patients and survivors), but they share fascinating stories from real people to medical professionals, in addition to an array of Coronavirus precautions.

Laura Holmes Haddad

When Laura was in the early stages of her cancer journey, she began sharing raw, unedited updates of her experiences with close friends and family. Eventually, she realized that other patients, survivors, spouses, family members and friends could also benefit from understanding the realities that she and her family were facing. Now a survivor, public speaker, advocate and author of “This is Cancer: Everything You Need to Know from the Waiting Room to the Bedroom,” it’s clear that sharing her story was a gateway to so much more! A rich series of blogs for caregivers and those in treatment, Laura continues to write about the big (and small) moments of her life, to help others where she can.

Breast Cancer Research Foundation

The Breast Cancer Research Foundation is the highest-rated breast cancer-specific organization in the US, and its mission is to fund research in order to find a cure in our lifetime. They also happen to have an awesome blog that allows us to stay up-to-date on all news and information around the disease — everything from scientific research and stories that inspire to partnership and fundraiser spotlights.

Let Life Happen

Barbara Jacoby has not only survived breast cancer once but twice. She is also a survivor of domestic abuse who has contributed experiences from both of these journeys, as well as her patient advocacy mission. Her blog, Let Life Happen, was voted one of Healthline’s Best Breast Cancer Blogs of 2020, in addition to many other awards. Her website provides a wealth of information around current clinical trials, and her Instagram is filled with a wonderful assortment of inspirational quotes.

“When you learn. Teach. When you get. Give.” — Maya Angelou

Originally published at on July 16, 2020.



Jessica Rohr

Currently a writer for the Everviolet Journal covering topics on breast cancer, women’s health and the mind-body-spirit connection.